describe the tone of marcus's letter to his wife

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The tone that he has when writing this letter to his wife is so demanding and in a way almost threatening. What is sensible to her may not be what is sensible to him. Both Marcus and Helmer are angry because the the thing that they thought they had their grasp around is slipping from their fingers. It is interesting to note that Marcus and Ulrike are Jewish and Torvald and Nora are Christian. However, walking out on your family has a great affect on many individuals. Serving as a legatus legionis in Hispania Tarraconensis, in 89 Trajan supported Domitian against a revolt on the Rhine led by Antonius Saturninus. WebThe man is surprised Chillingworth hasn't heard about Hester's notorious sin. She makes her life decisions knowing it will benefit her and make her happy. 17. Also she does not see the real reason why Dr. Rank is around because reality is he really and trully in love her her and is willing to treat like a women and not an enslave on finacially reasons. Both families are well off and well known. He, quite honestly, needs her and is using her "responsibilities and duties as a mother" to lure her back in to his arms. Each women, Nora, Anne-Marie, and Mrs. Linde, does not a role besides taking care of children. Which places her as a narcissistic, but truly she was not. You can not take care of others if you are not taking care of your own needs. So it is with us; you, alone, carry the guilt of all the misfortune which, however, I helped to enlarge later by my behavior.(Marcuss Letter) He is basically saying its all her fault for their separation. For example, describing tone can help clarify whether a statement or story is positive is negative. Torvald was mostly lovey-dovey with her making sure Nora had her every wish that he could give her. From this passage I can tell that Marcus is a very demanding man, and wants his wife to live up to the expectations being portrayed in this present day. However, in spite of his kindness, Torvald is insecure as well. You kind of feel sorry for Torvald while for Marcus you have no pity for him. In the beginning he says that she is the one that has sinned but so has he, he blames himself as well but the next thing he says completely contradicts that. 7Qr-Ke>`88esThx}2\$ Kt~~@oP(GAa%8h/heIs$ WebDescribe the tone of Marcus's letter to his wife (with examples). WebThe colonel tried to shoot him down before he left the plantation and promised to shoot him the next time he saw him. Tufts argues the fact that Nora is narcissistic - because in the end she thinks only of her well being and only about herself right before she leaves. WebPublishers summary: Confraternities were the most common form of organized religious life in medieval and early modern Europe. Tufts purpose in Nora being a narcissistic to analyze the relationship of Nora and her husband which revolves around the story. The husband is making statement such as if she comes back it will be the "correct" thing to do. Torvald Helmer differs from Marcus, because Torvald does not seem to be as forceful. In the Victorian era, men were the ones with the jobs and it was the woman's job to find a man with a good reputation and a good salary so they can continue their family legacy and live comfortably. He is attempting to inform her that hes fine without her, but the children and the house arent. She abandons her family. His tone suggests that Marcus is simply giving his wife the option to return home, but doesn't fully care whether she does or not.There are few moments in the letter where Marcus actually does take some responsibility for their separation. He wanted them to know that the voyage they financed had brought them riches and new land as promised and encourage After Ulrike leaves Marcus, he writes his letter and sets reasonable wishes for her conduct once she returns, while Nora did not leave Torvald until the end of the play Torvald also demanded reasonable wishes for her. The difference is , Trovold kind of treats Nora as a child or dog -- giving her rewards for being a "good" wife, like always giving her money and rewarding her with jewlery and clothes. So Marcus is well in the boundaries of the morals of his time. After reading this passage I believe that Marcus is a rather demeaning character, with an utterly drastic tone of bitterness. He also says that they way she is acting is not right and that if she acts "correctly" that people will envy her. Unlike him, at least Helmer was willing to treat Nora with more respect. She sees herself as the center of the universe, and everyone should cater to her every whim. The Marxist approach to "A Doll's House" provides a different way of examining this situation than I could have thought. Torvald even goes so far as to beg his wife suggestions on how he could change, how he could make things right. But I do have one thing to disagree with, and that's to think that all of Nora's decisions that she had made in the end were a result of capitalism, I think its a little more personal that, I hate the fact that the author of the Marxist article tried to say that "Noras of the world by manipulating their economic status and, by extension, their conscious estimation of themselves and their place in society." More money = more happiness = more freedom? WebMeghan ate those famous chicken tacos at her desk in London while reading Mrs. Obamas e-mails. This is from Letter from a Husband to his Wife Arts & Of course most, if not all, of the problems within the foils of the play were created by or influenced by the fact that the early 20th century was ruled by the free market. At the end when she leaves it seems that she is only thinking of herself because she just gets up and leaves. You see the power struggle between husband and wife, and explore a crumbling house hold. helmer also gets angry while stating he wants her to stay and she needs to rethink her decision. You observe the emotions of a man who loved a woman that didn't love him, and you see a possible workaholic father typical of his era. She is basically getting her way all the time. The rest of the letter identifies rules and obligation the wife must follow, starting with laundry and ending with NEVER making visit in HER HUSBANDS ABSENCE. Marcus focuses this letter to his specification and what his needs were and how she was to perform her duties as his wife. This is why the note he would hypothetically write to Nora would not be full of demands. (BedFord 1765) However, as much as he blames his wife for the destruction of their family reputation, he does take some responsibility; it should be noted that the word "some" might be an overstatement. My personal belongings will all be sent to you. Well, actually, maybe during his time, this was the concept many men had of marriage. Curley's wife is described in the first appearance she makes: "She had full, rouged lips and wide-spread eyes, heavily made up. The letter that Marcus wrote to his wife Ulrike is what would be fuel to a feminist's fire. This page provides opportunities for students to contribute ideas, multi-media resources, written materials, analysis of literary critiques and even announcements that will amplify our responses to class readings, literary reviews and projects. And equality of both individuals coming together was something Marcus and Torvald clearly missed.Torvald makes statements such as "Are you sick?" He did not say hurtful things to her. Each character had a dependent relationship with money - wanting more, not having it, or trying to get it. Tuft uses the comparison to delve into Nora's true character and complexity which is opposite to the assumption that the play is an agent for female strength and independence. Judging from this passage it seems that Marcus wants everything his way, and if that is not respected then his wife must pay the consequences. WebBarker for stimulating discussions and the solution to one of the problems; William Waite for pictures from his antique math collection; and Peter Cromwell, Lord & Lady Dunsany, Peter Knoppers, John Lienhard, John Mainstone, David Nicholls, Paul and Colin Roberts, Anders Sandberg, John Sullivan, and others for their valuable contributions. Again, this is not HER happiness. % When Marcus's wife left him I believe he may have been angry but moreover he was disappointed, disappointed that his love and wife of many years decided to walk out on him and their children. I agree with what almost everyone else has said about the similarities and differences between Torvald Helmer and Marcus. To what extent dos he accept responsibility for their separation? Nora is narcissistic. He only stated that the separation was both of their fault in the beginning, but then said, it was more his wife's fault. But just abandoning the kids with the husband, the one she herself wants to escape from, makes me uneasy about her true intentions. When Dr. Rank informs Nora of his expectation to die and the worst of his suffering to begin, she first berates him for being "completely unreasonable" (1533 Norton Anthology) and then goes as far as putting her hands over her ears to ignoring him. He was very cocky as he was the only important person in the relationship and that he really did not care if they were together or not. He wants Ulrike to be satisfied with the position she has in his life and the lives of their children. Nora basically has no human freedom as she has to pick from two options be out-casted by everyone she knows and be tormented or come back to him. They wanted a life in which was more then just duty to your husband and family. Helmer, while being a rather selfish man, was not one to demand so many things from Nora. It's almost as if he is saying, "hey, I am doing my part, you agreed to do your part and you haven't. However, all this has to be done without making him look weak, vulnerable and helpless without her. The text is not feminist due to the fact that Nora is not standing up for some rights giving by women. She constantly needed attention from everyone around her. Nora especially. These letters, which Cicero wrote to his friend Atticus, brought to light elements of Cicero's private or "human" character as compared to his public persona that had been Maybe Nora did not want to have children or did not have a bond with them. In a Psychoanalytic Reading of Nora, Tufts argues that Nora is more of a narcissist individual rather than a victim of her husband's oppression. While Marcus just tell her to leave, that even though she sinnes maybe he did too, but she did it first. Describe the tone of Marcus' letter to his wife. We focus sometimes solely on the relationship between Torvald and Nora and forget about Rank and Mrs. Linde, who to me are huge characters and give us better insight into their society. Because his wife, in his perspective, deserves all the guilt, he states, "you will have to follow my wishes" in order to have a peaceful life with him again. Marcus' letter to his wife is the complete opposite of Ibsen's play. She has nothing and no one is going to "see" her and this is what she wants. I think that if Helmer were to write a letter to Nora, it would not be of the same framework as Marcus' letter. But do we need God to hope our eyes if they are glowing with light? Overall, I really just thought of A Doll's house as a summary of everyday life, how things can go from everyday normal life to a crumbling mess. Dr. Rank is an ailing man, an ailing man not of his own actions but of consequence to his fathers actions. WebSeveral of the younger Pliny's letters are addressed to Suetonius, with whom he lived in the closest friendship. This comment has been removed by the author. A guy might be focused on the visual and notice something about you thats beautiful to him. In these events, obvious other messages can also be seen, such as the feminist qualities in Nora leaving her whole world behind and leaving her family to make herself into an equal, and her own individual. In order for the play to remain a seminal piece of social commentary, Tuft argues that Nora should be seen as a narcissist thus adding more complexity to her character and to the dynamics of human relationships. It was the wifes fault for their separation and she has to carry the burden of the putting the marriage into trouble. As Nora was in pursuit of success, and riches, she was fulfilling her egoistic desires while at the same time repressing the need of finding herself as a person. The letter to Ulrike is not one that would convince me to come back home. WebWritten by Timothy Sexton. Pole; Insert et chemine; Cuisson; Ralisations; Contact. Nora could of gone about handling these situations in different ways, but its as if she likes the change, she likes where her life is heading. WebThe husband should give his wife his entire confidence and share the income, expected income with her so that a desired sum of money is given to the wife at a regular and The difference between Helmer and Marcus is in Helmers case the control was not much emphasized as much as Marcus. Along with the letter is enclosed instruction with what Ulrike must do or what will happen. Marcus is much more in control than Torvald was. Abigail and John Adams's letters to each other show a rare marriage of equals, historians say. In the end, she sees that he is more aware of his own self and she needs to discover what or who she can be without anything from him whether it's money, love, or even their kids. John Downes letter to his wife creates an enthusiastic, persuasive tone to try to convince her to leave England and come to the United States. It would be considered marxist due to the fact that her decision were partly based on the social parts of the play. Economics affects my day to day life dramatically, so I agree heavily with the Marxist "tenet" comment that "consciousness is affected by economics". Helmer is not the best man in the world but he is certainly more cleaver than this fellow, Marcus. On March 15, 44 B.C. It is filled with many demands and some teetering on insults. Marcus starts with unyielding disappoint from his wife when he places her in a cycle of vicious injustice, "you have sinned me greatly--" The five words of the letter creates the stage where the husband is showing his power over his wife. For some peopole, the belief is to stick with your family through thick and thin. Helmers lenient way in controlling his wife was way less controlling where as Marcus was in complete under his rules.A women living in the early nineteen hundreds with Noras traits being rebellious and lacks content in what she has is definitely a narcissistic. he does in the start of the letter state that he feels it is both of them who have caused this seperation. She flirted shamefully with Dr. Rank, with no intention of ever showing him any real interest. He practically owns everything including his wife, children and maids. However, Marcus is being harsh and lets his wife know he will be the one in charge and no buts should be heard. What Nora is really portraying, in her actions, is a concern for her own problems and a disregard for her responsibilities. This is seen through friendship loses, divorce, and you can say adoptions, because a women or man is not happy with their life or not ready to commit to these things. I can honestly say my consciousness is affected by how much money is in the bank. Instead, they were limited with opportunities, and the only salvation they felt was through religion. Instead of being reduced to an antiquated piece of Victorian literature, Ibsen's play continues to stir thought about the dynamics of human relationships within a set society. Right away you can see he is the head of the household. A ship, namely a merchantman, returning to Archangel and then England will deliver the letter. Marcus is subliminally telling her the pursuit of her personal and heartfelt desires is stupid and wrong. He "holds his own ground" as far as making decisions and barely seems to show emotion. She can only choose between two things. This point acted to support Ibsen's statement that Nora was not necessarily the heroine which readers so often liked to portray her as. While Marcus makes it apparnet that the wife has obligations to their husbands, that they need to do what the husband says.- I dont think either of them takes responsibility for the seperation, in fact Trovold makes accusations of Nora being sick, like mentally ill. Walton's ship now passes through ice fields and warmer than expected weather. He continues by stating to their Rabbi "my wife does not follow my wishes but believes herself to be entitled to act on her own, even if this is totally against my orders" - this absolves him from any wrongdoing. They also seemed like they wanted to be their own person instead of "someone's wife". Nora committed to be a wife, a mother, and a friend to all the important people in her life and when she found that she failed she gave up on herself. She, however, is not given other duties. Freedom is anonymity and she expresses that when she leaves because she is going to be all alone in this world. When she spoke with Anne Marie about how she left her children to take care of her, she was just using that information to talk about herself, questioning what would happen if she left her children. In Marcus's letter to his wife, his tone comes off as authoritative, egotistic,extremely critical, threatening and domineering. A Nineteenth-Century Husband's Letter to His Wife displayed the backward thinking which led to the end results of Ibsen's play. He makes it certain that these are demands for my pattern, and that is only a list of failure and unhappiness in marriage. But apparently this is not enough and when he discovers a lie on her part and suspects that this is only the tip of the iceberg she leaves him and the kids slamming the door behind her. She told Ms. Linde stories, bragging about what she had. He even proposed a schedule for them, to follow in order for their home to be happy; but with the same routine happening over and over again, happiness will soon disintegrate and the family will crumble yet again. And, as Tufts suggests, this story in todays timeframe does not sound so astounding as it was in the late 1800s. WebSelect search scope, currently: catalog all catalog, articles, website, & more in one search; catalog books, media & more in the Stanford Libraries' collections; If we look at the criteria for the narcissitic personality, Nora has exhibited them all throughout the play. A friend less concerned about themselves or even slightly concerned about another would have recpgnized the intrest. we are hairy teens. Marcus made these set of rules that Ulrike and everyone else in the house had to follow. When she leaves her family at the end of the play, her excuse may be that she finally wants to be in control of her own life and make her own decisions which on that side who can blame her? Perhaps we could not see Nora as narcissist because there may be parts of narcissism in us all. Marcus warned Ulrike of the contempt and indifference he and the children would face if she didnt return. Marcus truly believes he is in the right. she does not care about ant one else's feelings. Their happiness seems to be completely parallel to their economic status or at least their comfort (or lack thereof) with their economic status. I mean look at Nora. It seems that Marcus blames everything that has gone wrong on his wife, where Torvald takes the blame for him and Noras separation a bit more. The tone of Marcuss letter is very domineering not only to his wife but to the women population. Torvald rewards his wife with jewelry, gifts and money but is unable to really love her. Divorce or separation meant ostracism; as Marcus writes, 'your husband, children, and This is the ONLY time the husband admits responsibility for the split of their relationship. Looks like Ulrike might have the best of both worldsShe may continue being the lady of the house and continue to "sin greatly" if she does it it "sensibly" and keep up appearances. Her job is to serve his every whim. The two engage in frequent flirting and they seem to love each other on the outside. The husband clearly does not take blame in their nor does he feel sincere throughout the letter.He even is so content in her coming back, he adds in "But if you decide to act sensibly, and correctly, that is just and kindly, then be certain that many in the world will envy." His use of humor in they have to discuss food and he would expect to be disobeyed was a way of saying even though i may be demanding you i know you will go against me any way and do your thing and he is okay with it too. 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describe the tone of marcus's letter to his wife