get hardware hash for autopilot powershell

6. Capturing the hardware hash for manual registration requires booting the device into Windows. How to get the Hash ID for device which is already added to intune. Exporting from Endpoint Manager doesn't include the actual hardware hash in the exported CSV file. I truly believe that provisioning packages are often overlooked. The names of the computers. Search for device. Select DeviceManagementServiceConfig.ReadWrite.All. Device Serial Number,Windows Product ID,Hardware Hash We are ready to import the hardware hash into the portal. You can also create a custom Autopilot device manager role by using role-based access control. A discussion regarding the future of passwordless, Microsoft Entra, passkeys, and Zero Trust for identity. In most cases, you should instead use the Microsoft Partner Center for Autopilot device registration. All new Windows devices should meet these requirements. - edited It feels like a bold claim especially given the face that Provisioning Packages (which are saved as ppkg files) have been around for a while but dont really get used in most environments. Has anyone run this in a machine where Win 10 21H1 is pre-installed? We will use a PowerShell script to gather a devices serial number and hardware hash. .\Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -AssignedUser -GroupTag Microsoft365Managed_SensitiveData -Online. yes you are right, I forgot it doesn't give the actual hash - so I believe the only way is using the "WindowsAutoPilotInfo" PS module. Before creating the script and adding it to the provisioning package we need to create an App Registration in Azure Active Directory. To export a hardware hash using the Windows Autopilot Diagnostics Page, the device must be running Windows 11. Speaker, Blogger, Consulting Engineer. First we need to download the latest Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo from the PowerShell gallery On another machine open PowerShell with elevated privileges and run Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo Next, navigate to C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts and copy the Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo.ps1 file to your USB drive confirmed to be working in 2021. This app is designed to be a jumping off p #Install module if not currently installed, #Use a client secret to authenticate to Microsoft Graph using MSAL, #Set Access token variable for use when making API calls, #Function to make Microsoft Graph API calls, #If method requires body, add body to splat, "InstanceID='Ext' AND ParentID='./DevDetail'", #The following example will update the management name of the device at the following URI, "", Silently Collect AutoPilot Hashes Using Microsoft Graph and a Provisioning Package, You can download the complete script from my GitHub, PowerShell script that converts PPKG files to an ISO, Migrating AD Domain Joined Computer to Azure AD Cloud only join, Dynamically Update Primary Users on Intune Managed Devices, MMS Intune Management PowerApp Demo Part 3: Adding the buttons, gallery, and completing the app, MMS Intune Management PowerApp Demo Part 2: Creating the PowerApp user lookup controls. I had two goals for this post. On the pane on the right of the screen, you can edit: Choose the devices that you want to delete, and then select, Delete the devices from Windows Autopilot at. autopilot.cmd powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file .\autopilot.ps1 Weve swiftly witnessed the demise of the days where employees could simply drop by the desks of IT support staff for a solution to technical problems. I'm running a PowerShell script to generate hardware hashes in order to enroll devices into Intune Autopilot. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. So Hu, but you need to do this for each device right? Let's get into how we use it! I am going to focus on two specific features of Provisioning Packages. When we first turn on the computer we should be greeted with the region information or something similar. Therefore, devices without TPM 2.0 can't use this mode. I explain that more in depth in this post. Anything that you can accomplish via a script can be completed using a provisioning package. Re: How to get the Hash ID for device which is already added to intune. You n Video Meetup: 3 Pragmatic Building Blocks Towards Zero Trust Security, 3 Pragmatic Building Blocks Towards Zero Trust Security, Once we create the registration, we will create a client secret and then include that secret and the app registrations Client ID in a PowerShell script. From an identity perspective, SSO works to protect the digital identities of individuals, devices, and hardware. Using the script locally on the device will of course work and retrieve the HW hash. Choose a place to save the provisioning pack and click next. Select Devices > Windows > Windows enrollment > Devices (under Windows Autopilot Deployment Program) > Sync. It may take several minutes for the upload to complete. Running the PowerShell script from a command prompt isnt overly difficult, but it is time consuming. Change to the USB Drive and run Start.bat. Is there a method to get the HWID either using a script and running it against AD Computers OU or any other method to obtain the hardware ID to a CSV file and that we could upload it to Intune for autopilot deployment. 8. (LogOut/ why do you need the hash? Over the years, a lot of people have been looking for a solution to migrate on-premises Active Directory joined devices to Azure Active Directory cloud-only November 3, 2022 Many companies are finding the advantages of Modern MSPs to be undeniable as their cloud-first approach brings stronger security, better employee experience, and lower costs. Some policies may only cover the basics like security monitoring and notifications. Provisioning packs can be run almost completely silently during the Windows out-of-box experience. They apply settings to a device that were added to the package when it was created. The above script lets you immediately upload the hw hash to a tenant you specify, assign it to a AutoPilot Group, and also assign it directly to a user. Find out more about the Microsoft MVP Award Program. For more information, see the entry for Autopilot self-deploying mode and Autopilot pre-provisioning in Networking requirements. Pre-Requirements. Load this hardware hash into Autopilot. 1- Type CMD on the search bar of the windows and when Command Prompt appears on the menu, right click on that and choose ' Run as administrator ' 2- When the command prompt opened, write PowerShell on it and press enter. Microsoft Configuration Manager automatically collects the hardware hashes for existing Windows devices. This app only needs to be able to upload hardware hashes, so in keeping with the principle of least privilege we will assign API permissions that limit what our app registration is able to do. I had to boot it twice or I would get Null string errors. Click on Overview. This Azure Active Directory group doesn't have the Windows Autopilot self-deploying mode profile assigned to it. January 27, 2020, by STOP THERE that process has been updated and improved, making our life much easier. There are 2 files we need to create / download and place on a removable USB drive. Because Intune offers free (or inexpensive) accounts that lack robust vetting, and because 4K hardware hashes contain sensitive information that only device owners should maintain, we recommend registering devices through Microsoft Endpoint Manager via a 4K hardware hash only for testing or other limited scenarios. The device will need to bepowered on and logged into to follow these steps. This post isnt meant to be a treatise on replacing imaging workloads with provisioning packages. Optionally, you can encrypt the package and add a password. Export log files. They don't have to be completed on a certain holiday.) Copy the client secret for later use (please note, secrets should be protected just like passwords I am showing this one as an example, and it will be deleted prior to publishing). Click on API permissions from the menu. Upon confirmation of the uploaded device hash details, run a sync in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin Center and wait for your new device to appear. If you must re-purpose an existing device to be a shared device, you must delete and reregister the device into Windows Autopilot again. Autopilot, Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security augmentation strategy that uses a layered approach in the authentication process. The heart of our solution is a script that gathers the serial number and hardware hash and then makes a Microsoft Graph call to upload the hash to Intune. This article provides step-by-step guidance for manual registration. You can also register devices with Microsoft Managed Desktop when you register devices with the Windows Autopilot service using the Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo.ps1 PowerShell script on the PowerShell Gallery website. The idea is that an end-user must verify their identity with two or more methods before authenticating into an environment. During upload of a CSV file, the only validation that Microsoft performs on the Assigned User column is to check that the domain name is valid. install-script get-windowsautopilotinfo I will be demonstrating this on a Hyper-V virtual machine. In most cases, a physical PC will detect that removable media was just connected and run the ppkg. Copyright 2022 Mobile Mentor | All Rights Reserved, Intune, Microsoft Intune, Endpoint Manager, iOS, New Features of Intune to Adopt and Anticipate, Exploring the New Microsoft Store Apps Intune Integration, What You May Not Know About Cyber Insurance, Embracing Strong Auth for Advanced Security, How to Add and Remove Android Enterprise System Apps, How to Achieve Success with Modern Endpoint Management, Six Pillars of Modern Endpoint Management, Mobile Mentor featured on The Manager Track Podcast, Top 10 Benefits of Microsoft 365 for Enterprise Customers, How to Set Up Kiosk Mode for iOS & Android, On-Demand Webinar: Microsoft and Mobile Mentor Discuss the Journey to Modern Endpoint Management, The Guide to Outsourcing IT Services in 2023 | Costs and Benefits of Hiring a Modern MSP, Mobile Mentor Designated as Microsoft FastTrack Partner, Mobile Mentor Awarded GSA Contract by the US Government, Mobile Mentor Featured on the Nurture Small Business Podcast, How to Become Phish Resistant by Going Passwordless, The Guide to Preparing for a Cyber Insurance Audit, How to Create Stronger Security and a Better Employee Experience with Single Sign-On, Roundtable Part 5: The Future of Passwordless, Roundtable Part 4: Passwordless with Security Keys, Roundtable Part 3: Passwordless Building Blocks, Roundtable Part 2: A Critical Look at Industry Standards for Passwordless Authentication, Roundtable Part 1: The Problem with Passwords, Mobile Mentor Featured on "A Geek Leader Podcast". Type in the line below and select Enter: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned, 7. The following methods are available to harvest a hardware hash from existing devices: Each of these methods is described below. The Windows Configuration Designer app is also available in the Microsoft Store. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen the above tweet before. I found a great PowerShell script that converts PPKG files to an ISO. The below command runs successfully but the only problem is that when trying to upload to Intune I get an error that the format is incorrect. Specify the path for csv file we recently created. Open Azure Active Directory and go to App Registrations and click, + New registration.. The app registration will be granted enough permission to upload hashes to Intune. The hardware hash for an existing device is available through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), as long as that device is running a supported version of Windows. In this series, we call out current holidays and give you the chance to earn the monthly SpiceQuest badge! Some examples of kiosk mode being utilized are shared iPads being used to display PDF designs, maps and blueprints through a file explorer app by field engineers or shared Zebra devices (Android) being used for their 1st party barcode scanning software in combination with 3rd party inventory software in a warehouse. It leverages the Microsoft Authentication Library PowerShell module. get-windowsautopilotinfo -online, Hi, I am not sure how to get all the HWID for Windows 10 devices in our environment. The logs will include a CSV file with the hardware hash. Provisioning packages are a powerful tool that can open a lot of possibilities when it comes to OS deployment. Welcome to another SpiceQuest! The integration delivers several benefits to Intune administrators including. This process can be time consuming if you have a batch of new machines, and once you get the hash for each device, you must reset it so during the next boot it will go through the OOBE and enroll via Auto Pilot. During OOBE, press Ctrl-Shift-D to bring up the Diagnostics Page. I get a powershell error message, too long to post here. Cyber insurance is a grey area for many but is becoming a critical component of IT. The script will then connect to Microsoft Graph to upload the hash to Microsoft Endpoint Manager. I will call out those details throughout the process. This script uses WMI to retrieve properties needed for a customer to register a device with Windows Autopilot. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get a New Computers Auto Pilot Hash Without Going Through the Out of Box Experience (OOBE). When Windows 10 was first released, ppkg files had a lot of fanfare but never really gained much traction in enterprise environments. If you have an existing device that you are using for testing or want to enable with Autopilot manually, you will need to get the hardware hash from the device itselfand manually register it in Autopilotif you are wanting to test the Autopilot process. 2. The script will authenticate to Graph using the Microsoft Authentication Library PowerShell module and an Azure app registration. Phish resistance and passwordless should be synonymous terms as the goal of passwordless authentication is to eliminate the vulnerability that takes place each time credentials are entered. Can you please share the steps you did to get HWID from Intune? When registering Shared devices, don't try to edit the group tab attribute by appending -Shared to devices previously imported to Windows Autopilot. The logs will include a CSV file with the hardware hash. Through this point the script has only prepared the environment for gathering and uploading our hardware hash. A CSV file containing the AutoPilot Hardware Hash will be created on the USB Drive. Click on Import to Add Autopilot devices., 2023 identity security trends and solutions fromMicrosoft, Introducing kernel sanitizers on Microsoftplatforms, Microsoft Security reaches another milestoneComprehensive, customer-centric solutions driveresults, Microsoft Security innovations from 2022 to help you create a safer worldtoday, Digital event highlights new features in MicrosoftPurview. If you are procuring devices from a reseller thatsupportsthisprocess,they will be able to load your device hardware hashes into Autopilot for you atthetime of procurement. ,,,,. Once the device is shown in your device list, and an autopilot profile is assigned, restarting the device will result in OOBE running through Windows Autopilot provisioning process. Knox Mobile Enrollment). Sharing best practices for building any app with .NET. Modern Endpoint Management enthusiast. To ensure that OOBE has not been restarted too many times, you can change this value to 1. You should not have to edit AutoPilotHWID.csv before upload to Intune. If you assign an invalid UPN (that is, an incorrect username), your device might be inaccessible until you remove the invalid assignment. Verizon). Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted, Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo, Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo.ps1 -OutputFile AutoPilotHWID.csv. Intune continues to improve to scale functionality for admins and provide a better and more secure experience for end users. Your email address will not be published. If you want it to run without user interaction you can opt to not encrypt the package. After Intune reports the profile as ready to go, you can connect the device to the internet. When you upload a CSV file to assign a user, make sure that you assign valid User Principal Names (UPNs). This conversation between host, Ramona Shaw, and Mobile Mentor Founder, Denis OShea, addresses hybrid management and the risk associated with remote workers in a post-pandemic world. We upload the hash by making a POST request to Get-CMAutopilotHashes.ps1. Mobile Mentor, a rapidly growing technology services company and Microsoft Partner, is pleased to announce their new designation as a Microsoft FastTrack Partner. A discussion on the use cases of security keys and how they can benefit businesses. You can download the complete script from my GitHub. Powershell.exe Install-Script -name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -Force Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo -Online At this point you will be prompted to sign in, an account with the Intune Administrator role is sufficient, and the device hash will then be uploaded automatically. Working at Mobile Mentor for over three years he has a strong focus in Enterprise Mobility Management products as well as Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administration and Security Services. It's not recommended to replace an existing Microsoft Managed Desktop group tag with a different Microsoft Managed Desktop group tag. can you please provide theexact file, folder, and Path location of HASH ID with in device diagnostics logs. We will use a PowerShell script to gather a device's serial number and hardware hash. To be a treatise on replacing imaging workloads with provisioning packages out more about the Microsoft authentication Library module. But it is time consuming assigned to it an existing device to the.... Great PowerShell script to gather a get hardware hash for autopilot powershell serial number and hardware hash for manual registration requires booting the device of! And path location of hash ID with in device Diagnostics logs, you can encrypt the package upload CSV! 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get hardware hash for autopilot powershell