i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

Sometimes there is poop everywhere! His dog has been an issue since day one. The day she was put into an assisted living home the dogs came to our house with no discussion between us. It is causing me great inner turmoil and I would never ask him to give the dog away. They need guidance. Pet lovers, this is not how to make your non pet-loving spouse become an animal person. We do sleep in the same bed, but when she came, she began sleeping in the room with us. His comment killed me, i can love his dog instead . He leaves existing holes alone now but chews another one. Think about a puppy who bites you as a result of being a bit exceedingly excited. It blows my mind how many people dump their pets for a bad relationship. Which came first the dog humping or the social isolation? She constantly is dropping her slobbery toys in my lap. So, we gonna look into what you can do when your husband/boyfriend wants to get rid of or rehome your dog. Wow. They cannot make plans with you like a person can. So he wont correct the DAMN thing when its wrong. Just food for thought. On top of that, one of the dogs has shown aggression to another dog and has mauled him very bad. He takes his 13 year old Lab a plate of goodies every night after dinner. gets channeled to the dog with yelling. He is a dog owner himself, but has always adopted older animals, so he has never dealt with the puppy stage. I just want him to be happy. B its not that bad, it comes right off clothes easily w a soft cloth. Thats when my hell began. Other considerations: Give some extra attention to the dog. I think thats why her previous owners got rid of her they didnt list a reason. I know we need to work on the dogs training, but I feel like it might be easier if my husband liked the dog enough to help share the responsibility of training so that we could tackle it together. And right again about when they die shell get more because she will have wasted her life on animals and have no idea how to connect w a human nor understand them. I NEVER let him eat off a plate and my husband is the one who sneaks him scraps under the table. It just is what it is. I could never get a night sleep, because they would be jumping on and off the bed, start whining in the night, wanting to go out to pee in the middle of the night. Then you have the ones who have damn near accused me of animal cruelty because we crate our dog when we have guests. A part of me feels like I know that this dog means so much more to him. How much would you resent your husband if you did so? Tell him, "We're just going to look," and see if he falls in love. This is the only thing we have ever fought about in 2 years together. Not only that she forgets how to carry herself as a married woman when shes out and around people. Look the dog fanatics are crazed control freaks who cannot exist with ordinary people and use the dogs, who cannot talk back, to affirm their need for adoration and control. The dog follows him everywhere, does not stay when he is told and when I get frustrated with the dog my partner gets mad at me. We came to a compromise and agreed to put a dog door in our patio, and that way the dogs have their water and good in there and can still go outside. If a veterinarian has completed a thorough exam on the dog, and says the dog is medically unwell and it cant be fixed, and that in their professional opinion the dog is vicious, then euthanasia should be considered. Consult a veterinarian: If you feel the shedding is abnormal, consult your veterinarian right away in order to solve the issue. One of the things I miss most, is being able to sleep in on the weekends with my bf. You cannot compare a dog to a child. They are vulnerable and at the mercy of the worlds kindness or cruelty. And having a dog sleep in a bed is one of the worst offenses of lazy pet owners IMO, it is just asking for trouble! Fun fact: My ex has never met my wolf / husky hybrid (who I nursed from a pup because the breeder was going to drown her when she was born) yet when he attempted to lure her away with a piece of juicy elk steak (which he had learned from me prior our breakup was her favorite) She bared her teeth and chased him away and didnt even TOUCH the steak (was never poisoned or anything) Yet my family verbally berated me for giving up on a relationship with a seemingly great man (He had them all fooled.) My boyfriend acts like the dog is more than our baby at times. I dont wish that type of experience on anyone. Someone has said here in the comments that the cat is just a scapegoat for someone who is deeply disconnected. My guess is not at all!! As long as you can strike a fair balance that ensures your pets needs are met, consider giving your partner a pass on nightly pet duties. I wanted the dog and now I dont anymore. The dog drives me crazy. Not to mention, dont compare them to children like a boy and a girl analogy. When we were trying to watch a movie on the couch, they keep trying to climb over us and these giant 70lb things dont need to be up there either. There seems to be two types of dog lovers: the Nuts and the normal people who dont anthropomorphize their pets. Also I agree with Michael that your dog not being socialized is an extremely bad thing. Kick her and the dog out. Shes training them to bark because they bark and get their way!!! Weve tried chili pepper in water and sprayed the carpet and we even went as far a getting habenero peppers in water and spraying the carpet with that. We have not been together intimately in 3 mos. I have two Pitts, one I have had for 5 years, the other for 10 years. for 4 years. (He still pretend mutt his child/partner). if the puppy pees I get yelled at. I have no idea what the answer is, it is the one thing I would change about my husband. A dog can never give you what a baby can and people annoy the crap out of me when they say this. Shes pregnant!!!!! He got housebroken and crate trained very quickly, and we taught him quite a few commands. You dont have to hate animals to hate your significant others pet. The point is: he has no symptoms of allergy, no sneezing or running nose, has taken a test that came out negative, but yet he insists that his back pain is a different kind of allergic reaction and thats why the cat has to go. Youve been with the guy for 3 years and its bugging you now? My pet would have came after the 2nd call or knew I would punish them. No training whatsoever only training is attempts to pretend dog is a baby, which IS dangerous as dangerous behaviour is reinforced when growling threatening a teeth hating a stranger gets it picked up cuddles or baby talk. My point is, My wife is cool with me laying some ground rules down because THEY ARE DOGS. I cant remember a time I havent had a pet before my last dog of 13 years passed. He is still young and that way will be easily welcomed into a better situation. Over all though shes a good dog. I like his presence there with me so it works. Or perhaps animals have been the only creatures that have ever treated us better than our spouses or how our fellow humans. act. Melissa, I really feel your pain. its her baby and thats how theyve always been. Tell that guy to pack his clothes and his dog and cat and GET THE HECK OUT!!!!!! The hair drives me crazy!!!! For starters we agreed no dogs on the couch as it is my couch, we also agreed that she will sleep in a kennel. Compromise. How many times have we apologized for getting into a bad fight only to get into another one a week later when he throws it in my face. In the beginning, she said she will choose her dog over any SO or family member in a heartbeat. I had gotten to the point I use to say, if the two of us were drowning, who would my spouse save? I never bother him at night, I go ahead and get up to quite him so he doesnt wake my husband who works very long hours. Really his anger and frustration did not match the act. We will do things for our own wellbeing and leave others out of the equation. Rather, he makes a long long list of excuses for her retarded manipulative behaviour. If one makes it a human and the other as a pet animal it will never work. He says he cant get rid of the dog bc it will upset his 22 year old adult son (who doesnt love with us & wont take care of the dog either)! Remove the dog from your house. If you love nice clean things, Im sorry but you arent going to have that in the dog house so youll have to put that out of your mind until he/she passes and you dont get another. Sleepless, It has been 22 years and I strongly dislike having a dog in the house. My SO goes to take the dog out before we go to bed and finds the dog in its kennel with the lights out and suddenly Im this evil person because and the dog is scared. If your partner does not respect how you feel towards animal rearing, they certainly will respect you with other things as well. i said uhmmmnooo.extreme much? I dont want this puppy to be a toy and go from home to home but no one seems my point. I know its a hopeless situation because at the end of the day, I love my boyfriend and I do know I want to spend my life with him. They are spoiled though. Omg, Im so happy I found this forum. Your husband is neglecting the dog, and if he cant find the time to care for this dog, he should not have one. We got a dog 17 years ago because my wife and two kids wanted one. I could easily tell she was hurting, so I comforted her. Hed have his arm around her. It alters the relationship. So dont feel guilty. [Nutritional Info], Read This If You Cant Sleep Without Your Dog [5 Tips], Read This If You Dont Have Time For Your Dog. I may sound angry right now because i am. Love from a non-mongamous creature the same as every other human? I tell him it hurts my feelings when he says things like that about my dog, wishing her dead all the time, but he says what about MY feelings, how I hate the dog, that I do not care that he hates my dog and he feels he has to live with this animal he hates. The last thing you want is a reluctant dog owner to witness a fight. I do like her but her constant neediness and his inability to change anything about it is upsetting me so much. Ive seen it so many times these are the people who tend to get a dog because they are single and lonely, or because they think dogs are cute, or because everyone else has one and they are doing these animals a huge disservice by not training/socializing them properly or treating them like DOGS and not humans. If you do so, you will see a huge improvement within a week or two. Even IF your house is a zoo at times! You can judge a mans true character by the way he treats his fellow animals. -Paul McCartney. He wont go on vacation because she doesnt like being boarded! I even had him get pain pills because one day I noticed her moving from room to room trying to get comfortable. We are expecting our first child in a matter of days to weeks and I dont want to have to be running around worrying about what his dog is getting into now. Those people with like, 4 German Shephards and a few cats too. That the dog calms him. Or clever? He has never had a pet in his life and I am at the point where I would like to add a cat to the equation. let me tell you it is a massive pet peeve of mine when people want to compare a human baby to that of an animal. If it was only a matter of fur, Id use a sweeper. If my husband uses a softer tone of voice the dog us obediant. Get the dog a doggy bed and keep him off of yours. Nessa, the dog nipping at my kid would have been the last straw. Im considdering leaving my wife of 23 years, she bought 2 cockers 4 years ago we consulted and i have dogs growing up. She was the alpha over him. He just doesnt get it, he cant understand the appeal and only focuses on the stuff he hatesthe smell of cat food or a litter tray that has just been used, even though both items were in the utility room and our house is clean. I dont dislike pets but they have their own place-my bed is not that! And this is how I feel about my boyfriends pets. NPD is characterized by an individual having an inflated sense of self-importance, lack of empathy for others, and a deep need for excessive attention and/or admiration. It is ridiculous. Most all dogs shed which leaves hair EVERYWHERE. The sh$t stains in the bed, waking up in the middle of the night stepping in pee and not to mention peeing on my $200 sneakers was the last straw!!! She recently left on a trip where she was gonna be gone for days with her Mother and Sister. If you endeavor with a strong mind, you will be able to turn this offensive dog into an affectionate, kind to kids, loving canine. When I married my husband, I knew he was a waterfowl hunter and a dog is part of the equipment. When it does do something, its to look for f***ing food on the ground, that it will ingest and restarting the cycle of diarrhoea again. good luck. He gets very frustrated with them always being under us, the bullying of one to the other, the barking outside, the dog hair in the house even though I vacuum multiple times a week etc Any one have any help or advice to help work this issue out? I disagree. I have started hating that cat, have become extremely resentful and am considering divorce though that would be the last resort. My SO tried to downgrade this saying oh, he wont really bite or i dont think its a big deal we got into a huge fight over that one. He sees the dogs as his babies and cant do any wrong! Husband/boyfriend does. They each have their own unique personalities and I loved them all. All I am asking for is to sleep without a dog in my room. Please advise ? The dog has not done anything wrong. How do you get over saying you ended a relationship over a dog? If this is the case, that can be the reason why your husband/boyfriend needs to rehome the dog. Not to mention how he cuddles and talks to his dog all evening. My boyfriend and I recently (within the past 3 years) bought a home and our first Dog (a rescue) shortly after, my mother fell in love with her, she got one of her own. i just cannot see how i will be happy if we all live together. Also, perhaps its not even necessarily your dog that he is annoyed by, but the way you are *treating* your dog. So I caved. If youre starting a new relationship, take time to discuss your values regarding pets. Therefore I tried to convince myself that my compromise with my values was not so serious because he had shown he deeply regretted it and that the relationship would not last anyway, given the circumstances. He sleep at his own house. How can your boyfriend of 3 years actually say go on the couch so his DOG can sleep next to you? Dog people will try to tell you that you shouldnt mind having your life covered in fur, but folks like you and me arent trying to hear that nonsense. i feel so hurt when this happens that this animal is more respected than i am. I felt rushed to eat my dinner. If he had told me from the off Id have understood but I feel that he has lied to me and mislead me for 8 years, and only now that my dream of owning a dog had almost come true, as silly as it may seem, has he told me it wont happen. Its just unreal. I went into the relationship not thinking my pets would be a problem,but since he has virtual power over the household, he has decided that they have to go. Petsitting misbehaving dogs who may miss their humans is not the wisest plan of action either. I also said that i dont want to buy all this new stuff only for them to go and ruin it. He does night shift most of the time n i live with my mother in law. The dog might end up dead if it is given away the death rate at shelters is often shockingly high. What about my feelings. My girlfriend, not the dog. He does nothing with his dog but cater over it. How ridiculous for a person to not like a certain dog. [Reasons + Do This], Can Dogs Eat Strawberry Ice Cream? I am fine with (most) dogs but I absolutely cannot stand his dog anymore, its driving me crazy and giving me anxiety attacks! She also has chewed up many of my clothes and shoes. She gets fever blisters, but not from the dogs. All I want and preach to other people is compromise and Im still somewhere trying to find that. If your hubby cant understand that? To give you an idea, I thought if the dog and I were drowning, who would he save. If you Love your dog like I think you do. But since we brought her home, I have had doubts and regretted it. Humans are humans and dogs are dogs. Husband finds this cute. He doesnt say snide comments to his dog. Scared she would get ran over.. Then it gets cold and I couldnt do it Kids would beg for her to come in and it was hard for me to sleep of a nite shutting the door for bed knowing Bailey dog wanted inside!!! When I come home and open the door it smells so horrible that Ive thrown up a couple times from it. This works greatespecially if this is a smaller dog. It wont get better when you marry. But this is sucking the joy out of my life. I believe shes jealous but he doesnt seem to see it. But Im not. So now I find that every time we watch a movie or do anything shes right there on the couch with him while Im the third wheel. Im glad I found this. I do not want our marriage to end because of an animal that is not even part of our family. In my opinion you only making it worse and making him think he is the alpha male as he gets his way. I am to the end of my rope and sanity with the dog. Dogs need routine, and the more you change that routine, the more likely they are to act out. I totally understand where you are coming from. Almost every person posting here that suffers from a dog fanatic describes the same problem: none seem hate dogs (though weve been accused of it by the ones we love) but they do hate how their significant others treat dogs. People who think animals love them more and do not hurt them, as my partner says, need some help. And a mean one at that. My boyfriend hates my dog and wont let him at his apartment, but insists I stay there. It was confused, anxious, and in pain. Lets not forget the constant pictures of the dog taken with her phonesmh, I dont think its cool that she disregarded your feelings about dog on bed after you told her how you felt. Otherwise she whines ALL night. He sincerely believes his quality of life would diminish if he couldnt sleep with his furry friend and I know that I would grow to detest that animal. Its all good in theory and they always say Well take care of them Well pick up the poop ya right, been there done that not doing it anymore. Recently, she has taken up chewing on the coffee table. He doesnt want to kennel a dog outside and I have to agree it is not ideal to do that. When I joined this forum, I realized that Im not alone and that there is actually a need for support groups over this issue. I hate how they get into things and chew things up. Just because you want to be a furry freak, doesnt mean everyone else should applaud you for it. Thankfully, the trainer was able to work with them to correct that behavior. Im honestly so angry, what is even more frustrating is he sees no problem with this at all, Im starting to think I will never change his opinion and he will never compromise. I cant fathom the fact that the dogs are more important than me! ?When I see this I automatically assume the person /owner has mental health issues or is intellectually challenged. A dog would love me unconditionally and be there by my side through everything. I know how overwhelming it can be and the problem is, they think its normal and refuse to change. im still in love with my ex and the puppy but im more depressed than ever. This has been my experience with my husband. There is a deeper, underlying issue here. Sowe bought a house together & moved in. Im hurt inside as I work long hours and dont see how I will be able to spend time with them over the weekend nor I think this is humane. You should NEVER be violent towards any animals. currently, she sleeps in the bed with her, is very very clingy, moans if there is no constant attention and very manipulative. The fur he leaves on the carpet is already a source of aggravation for us as it is. He scampers all over it and it is filthy from him.The only brand new mats I was ever able to afford stink of dog and have had puppy wee and poo liberally since the day he was bought home. He lied about liking animals and expects me to comply with his demand of putting them in a shelter, or else. Here, I would set her up, with all sorts of examples and bingo, it works, but while training this, I dont harp on the other stuff, just a little reminder. My biggest problem is the way she treats the animal. See I never knew I wouldnt enjoy living with dogs before I did and I find it so unprofessional of people to say things like divorce them, or they are control freaks in response to a spouse who cannot stand a dog. Thats ridiculous. Training: You have to spend more time training the dog. The above comprehensive article has covered everything you need to be aware of about puppy blues. Im at my wits in because I totally resent him which spills over when we have an argument about something else. I dont think they can bark like a real dog. I dont know well see how it goes after today. I feel he doesnt care. And he is okay with it!! Your partner is not jealous of your dog. Any tips for either training my cat to stay indoors or to tell us she wants outside without being so vocal? I cant get close to him because she gets in the way and he allows it. They lack human thought and cognitive ability but she trained them to misbehave by rewarding bad behavior. If you can spot out the exact cause with the help of a vet, the remedy process will be much easier. (But I wouldnt recommend doing so). Its fantasy to think otherwise. My husband does his own laundry, but seriously how can he sleep in the bed after the dog urinates in it? Im sorry and mad for you, that you had to go through that. Why not question your need to put human needs beneath dogs. My mom use to say to me, Dont let that dog ruin your marriage! News Flash: its not the dog. Its not about choosing a dog over someone, its about being too different. They were overfat and waddled everywhere. Im frustrated with the urination problem. My boyfriend has a 5 year old Great Dane and will never own another breed. hi question very similar problem. For the kitchen, you can use a baby gate in order to restrict access. I get angry because I expect all the attention to be in me. Thats bad but whats worse is that he doesnt understand, or doesnt care, that your basic needs arent being met; the needs of his real lover, the dogs, are being put before your needs. After that year, my fiance decides without my consultation to adopt a rescue dog. Wow yea I think your right I mean he actually said that to you?! It actually is 11 years old but has the energy of a 3 year old. Im tired of being restricted on where we can go because of her dog. So basically, my bf and I live on opposite sides of the house. My fianc and I have been together for 8 years and engaged for 4 and a half of those 8 years. Dogs are no different than our kids. He was even nice to my cat and the cat loved being on his lap. Should you have gotten the dog without consulting him? In my whole life I have met 2 or 3 people who are pet owners (very responsible ) but do not let the pets on furniture and can distinguish between a person and a pet. Now he says Pancho doesnt like being fed in the bedroom, he feels like he has done something wrong. WOW. Its about him not caring enough about you to make you a priority and that tells me that he doesnt value the relationship to be a healthy life partner unfortunately. I dont know how you handled living for that long in the same house as that dog. Because of course, she is such a poor baby. So, I have to follow him around to make sure hes on the right track. The counselor told me I was jealous. She acted like it was punishment even though they had the WHOLE HOUSE to roam in? What should I do? We had discussed prior that she would need regular groomings and brushings to minimize the shedding but this chore has not been upkept at all. I remember him bringing home a dilapidated recliner, Because she likes it!, yet when he neighbor offered him sweet corn, he said no and the neighbor said, What about your wife? That was my life. My Chihuahua isnt like mostshes friendly, socialized, doesnt bark unless someone rings the doorbell, fully house trained,etc. They come out there, put their mouth at the table because we have breakfast food on there and wipe drool on the table (throw up city!) So..I would consider getting the First Alert Bark, the only problem would be my boyfriend. I put up with it initially but then I had enough. So me and my gf are 2 months together now, but we knew each other years before. I know everyone else just thinks Im jealous of these dogs, but thats not it. I would love to read the thoughts of others. His cat is out co control- Pees and poop outside the litter box and begs all day for food. Him and I (Bobbi) dont get along at all!!! I just had a long conversation yesterday with my boyfriend of more than ten years about my new dog. That causes me much sorrow. I dont want dos on the couch but this dog feels no matter how many times you yell and discipline for it he continues to do it. Today dogs come to me for affection, not him, and I pet them and enjoy them. Recently, hes started chewing on the carpet in our living room. i said look ive tried to learn to live with him..im on edge constantly from watching him like a hawk around the baby..ive exhausted myself trying to get you to see that im not just being mean ..im concerned for my baby and for the baby on the way there is no way in hell i can deal with a newborn and that dog..but all that aside i just wanted to sleep without him keeping me up all night for once and cuddle my husbandhe said well go lay down where you can sleep then babei was floored..basically hes saying my concerns and needs and wants are not important at all to him..and im second to his dogi got upset and cried and said some things i didnt mean..but hell who wouldnt at that point.he looked at me hateful as could be with the dog laid in my spot all up on his side and said if you dont wana sleep with the dog then get the hell out of the roomwhat do i even say or do anymore? 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i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog