first female reporter in nfl locker room

Api. And in no mood to take shit anymore. Sanchez is a media-savvy guy, so I figured he would be a nice ice-breaker. He. She is a frequent guest speaker at schools and colleges, and active in public schools' mentoring program for girls who hope to study journalism. Mine, firmer. When the coveted Rangers beat came open, I was passed over. We're sitting around the salon one day making bets on when the rest of the country will catch on that Ross Perot is a weasel when someone says he finished ahead of Bush and Clinton in another poll. The following year, a federal judge struck down the MLB policy on 14th Amendment grounds. [1][3], After her graduation from college, she moved to the East Coast to attend graduate school, but she decided to pursue a career in sportswriting. The first thing I saw was four guys in a big shower. Except she and St. Cyr Once, after they'd let me try my hand at writing for a year or so, editors told me I'd never make a writer. Sept. 8, 1985 12 AM PT United Press International Sportswriter Donna Balancia had two team officials block her from the New York Giants' locker room after a recent preseason game. Answer (1 of 4): After reading Carrie Rickey's answer, I have to say that no one ever gets this story right. It's been 46 years since the first women entered a professional locker room when two female reporters were allowed to conduct after-game interviews in the locker rooms at the 1975 N.H.L. My dad was a buyer for Better Monkey Grip Rubber Company, and I'm not complaining. It may have been his first night. He said he chose to run this piece in tandem with Roger Angell's piece because, all else aside, they were stories by a couple of kids who grew up loving baseball. MO ROCCA: Can I ask you, when you talk to the losing team, do you kind of put on, like, a nice mommy voice, or do you change your tone of voice? "It's the same as a man in the locker room to me.". When I was 14, I heard from a friend that the Rangers would soon be hiring ball girls. I herby officially declare this behavior: Sign up for Parx Sportsbook and deposit $25 using code WOLVES69, Very real and legitimate journalist | Wednesday Guest Host of The Daily Ticket w/ Sean Brace from 3-6 pm on Fox Sports "The Gambler" | I don't see a loss on the schedule | @ryanconway76. Referring to the United States military's use of Patriot missiles during the then-ongoing Gulf War, Kiam said to the audience: "What do the Iraqis have in common with Lisa Olson? Well, first of all, so now SAGAL: Describe your job. When a guy is naked, hes probably more honest than not.. SAGAL: B, George Washington himself went on a three-day bender there. They've both seen Patriot missiles up close." I refused to leave. But it struck me that something had changed: that my presence was no longer cause for flouncing; that I'd somehow earned this strange sign of courtesy and respect. He said I was loitering. Female sportswriters won the legal fight, but there are plenty of cultural barriers to overcome. She was drawn back into the controversy as other sports faced their women-in-the-locker-room moments most famously in the court case brought by Sports Illustrated so the reporter Melissa Guys just walk around naked, mostly, says Arizona Republic sports columnist Paola Boivin. No sitting or leaning. "I don't have any idea what you're up to.". If you, as a grown man or woman, want to peep another adults private square, it doesnt need to be under the guise of a free and independent press. TAFOYA: I adored football growing up. I compared my scar (a plate and six screws from a broken ankle) to Mark Tylers scar from his broken leg, with Mark proclaiming mine cooler.. It was like putting the lid on something. The players didn't know I'd grown up with games or that my best friends had usually been crude guys or that I could open a beer bottle with my incisors or that I liked to fish as much as they did. The most puzzled responses to my job come from the friends and acquaintances in my personal life. I just wanted to cover sports. We laughed and remembered when Desmond Reed finally scored a touchdown and he lit up telling me, I couldnt even enjoy it. It was time to go back to the dream. Like a son telling his mom, Way to go, you made me proud.. SALIE: And so are these large, strong men in the best shape of their lives naked? More than two years ago, I told the sports editor I wanted to return to sports. I know they don't know what they're talking about. A new generation of sports writers has responded to this shift by increasingly using advanced metrics and digital tools to change the genre entirely. Women will kick up a fuss about men being in a women's locker room, and men should do the same with women. [5], On September 17, 1990, Olson was interviewing players in the Patriots locker room on a practice day. They will look at her as one of the guys if she doesn't act like a chick. If he's uneasy, it's time to get out of the stirrups. And theyre very conscious that everything they say could get out.. Brock Nelson, a teammate sitting next to him, chimed in: They get mad at us for giving the same answers. I dropped my plans to go to the University of Texas and study broadcasting. For instance, there are things I might say to a friend or even a casual coworker that I wouldn't think a thing about, but I stop short of saying such things to the players. This blogs regular features, including live game analysis, reader discussion, news and notes from Jeff Z. Klein and others, can now be found on the Hockey section front. SAGAL: That's what you do. Were you a football fan growing up? It was critical no one smelled fear or I'd lose respect from the get-go. And his eyes got to be like the size of paper plates because what I didn't notice was that he was buck naked. I walked over to the corner where two guys from my hometown had their lockers. draft.Readmore, The Rangers announced Friday that they would not use their remaining compliance buyout this summer, ensuring that Brad Richards will return to the team for at least one more season.Readmore, The Mourning Skate: Blues for John Halligan, N.H.L. Ines Sainz, a reporter for Mexico's TV Azteca doing a story on quarterback Mark Sanchez, had footballs thrown in her direction by a Jets coach during practice, and players later called out to her in the team's locker room. Buying ball tickets to as many games as my dad and I wanted to see was out of the question, so we climbed the wall in the late innings or sat in those free grassy spots behind the Cyclone fence. I asked my question; he answered. We were a middle-class family of four with one kid just a few years from college and another a few years from kindergarten. His voice was growing louder. 2011 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Olson sued the team, and the players she implicated were fined by the NFL after its own investigation. I was 22 years old and the first woman ever to cover sports for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "All right, heck with it then," I said. "Well, I have talked to Troy Aikman," I say, and one woman bites down hard on her blow-dryer and rolls her eyes as though she's just gotten the high school quarterback in spin-the-bottle. It would be the last day ever for those white shoesand my first of many covering professional sports. Hey, this is pretty cool, I thought. He had a very reasonable take on how most players are butt booty naked when media members come in: Heres what Id ask, and I used to talk to Jeff McLane about this in Philly. And I didn't want to go back to putting up full-time with condescending high school and college coaches and jerks guarding locker room doors. A few minutes later he came back out wearing a towel. I spun around and walked outpast the staring faces, through the red door, down the 10,000-year-old bat-guano tunneland emerged into the dugout and the light of the real world, where I was nothing but a kid reporter who didn't get the story. She would later come to work at The Times as well. The he got to a really big one"Best General Column Writing." One night in the stands, I had my Helen-Keller-at-the-well experience. Ines Sainz: NFL Investigates Jets Sometimes we'd just watch any game on the TV. The poster was new. (AP Photo/Dave Pickoff) How could it be that it was 43 years ago when Sports Illustrated reporter Melissa Ludtke and Time Inc., sued Major League Baseball for denying her access to the clubhouses at Yankee Stadium? I said, "Listen, I have been covering this game since I was about two years older than you are so you can just shut it right now.". SAGAL: He left the Reform Club, traveled around the world in 80 days, came back, ran up the steps, but he was not wearing a jacket and tie. Because of my vantage point, it appeared I would have to walk through the shower, through the four wet, naked men, to get to the actual locker-room area. And there I was at the big red clubhouse door, dented and bashed in anger so many times it conjured up an image of stone-washed hemoglobin. So you've got all these big-haired babes who think the electoral college is a beauty school, ready to hoist their miniskirts for the first athlete who comes along. September 19, 2010 at 2:43 p.m. TV Azteca reporter Ines Sainz was uncomfortable with catcalls she received in the New York Jets locker room as she waited to interview quarterback Mark Sanchez . The misconceptions about the atmosphere are overrated. I've never been on any campaign to debunk the myth that testicles are somehow inherent to a full understanding of balls. But that's while they are still trying to maneuver you quickly into bed. SAGAL: And some of the players were like, wait a minute, we don't want girls in here. It was important to be bold. SAGAL: I did. Nope, in fact, I was invisible. NEW YORK (CBS) Everyone has an opinion about the recent incident involving the way Mexican reporter Ines Sainz was treated in the New York Jets locker room Saturday. I'll always remember that no one else laughed, for whatever reason, and that made me feel good. All she wanted was to be afforded the . The guys screamed at me and demanded to know if I was "on the rag" when I was surly; yet they could scream and be surly at me all they wanted. But there were a few giggles. But unfortunately, in north Arlington, this seems to be an enviable attribute on a par with big Dallas hair and coaching shorts as after-five wear. NBA teams play 82 games a year, not including playoffs and preseason contests. By then I had researched what day shipment was due in bookstores. Suddenly it all made sense: the way the numbers went across in a line on a scoreboard, what the three numbers at the end of the nine meant, even why the shortstop didn't have a bag. I was surprised to realize that some of the wounds still hurt. It was the last time I would ever try to interview Reggie. Affidavit Sample Administrative. A male usher stopped three female journalists from entering the Jaguars locker room after their loss to the Colts because they were women, asking other men if it was OK before finally allowing . Female sports reporters reveal the dark side to sport locker rooms FEMALE sports reporters reveal the dark side of reporting on male-dominated sports. July 27, 1997 Seven years ago, Zeke Mowatt flashed himself at Lisa Olson, who was then a reporter for the Boston Herald, and the great locker room debate erupted. Maybe I'd never fit in. Yeah, my ode to the old stadium won it all. KURTIS: She did great because she got two right. One of the most famous all-male gentlemen's clubs in London was the Reform Club with the fictional Phineas Fogg started and ended his trip around the world in 80 days. So what? In return for players giving up some privacy, media get a one-stop shop for all the color their audiences could want, while franchises reap the marketing benefits of near-daily publicity. And it had just started to become something that women could do, and I thought I can do this. I was so happy I was almost crying, but I was trying to sound very nonchalant while Glenn was giving me the particulars. It was like a club that I wasnt invited to, and unless I whispered the secret code word correctly, I would never gain entrance. Before I could utter a word, he said, "Wait, let me rub it, it will get hard.". In fact, after 10 minutes in a locker room, you dont notice anyone naked. There are postgame press conferences and media availability throughout the week. Ludtke said when Bill, who's Michele Tafoya playing for? But after getting home from school, I'd quickly skip back to the sports section of the evening Star-Telegram to compare my work to that of the pros. TAFOYA: I think one of the most - and again, I won't name names - but I remember doing an NBA game, and I was asked to go interview a player's wife in the stands about something. Male reporters are allowed in locker rooms both before and after games. TAFOYA: I'm entering my third season for "Sunday Night Football. I began to rummage through the large boxes until I found the one with my publisher's name on it. from The internet, magazines, and plenty of small family-owned businesses in the Philadelphia area offer the same experience. The documentary was about female sportswriters' struggles to gain access to male locker rooms in order to be able to do their jobs. And now the game where we ask people who've achieved great things questions that diminish all their achievements. All-Star Game in Montreal. The rumor was bogus, but it planted an idea. And then you've got this woman who comes in to interview them, maybe with big hair and a short skirt too, depending on the humidity and what's off at the cleaners that day. I had mentioned Kenny's hair in a story that had yet to even appear in some of the Observer's newsstands. The Downing part of it, as the guys who would later be a part of The Ticket said, was because, "He wouldn't hit a girl, so we'll go in behind you. [1], In 2013, Olson's incident with the Patriots was addressed in the documentary Let Them Wear Towels, part of ESPN Films' Nine for IX series that commemorated the 40th anniversary of the enactment of Title IX. My dream of covering professional baseball seemed further away than ever. Now almost everyone had stopped watching football and was watching me and Reggie. No one seems to know when the first female Equipment . Like many people, Donna, who should have been named Brittany, just can't accept this. Then he held my head over the top of the wall in center. TAFOYA: Let me tell you about my first time. When men gather at bars and golf courses and any of the other traditional salt licks for male bonding, do they ask the gynecologist what Mrs. Holcombe's hooters look like? [Reporters] obviously need you to say some stuff so they can write their articles, said Islanders alternate captain Kyle Okposo, wiping his forehead with an already-drenched shirt. The incident is considered by many to be a watershed moment for women in sports journalism. He carried me to the back of the outfield wall and climbed the slatted boards with his right arm and clutched me in his left. Olson's ordeal was mentioned (although without her name, referring to her only as "a Boston Globe reporter") in the Sports Night Season One episode "Mary Pat Shelby," in which Natalie Hurley was assaulted in a locker room by football star Christian Patrick. SAGAL: Did somebody drop some profanity on you? Ludtke said she constantly reminded people that she never demanded to go in a locker room. "That's possible," he replied. By then, I had become accustomed to the nudity and byplay of the locker room. Now Chicago Bears defensive tackle Tommie Harris and linebacker Lance Briggs are the latest to chime-in. I ran out of material 10 minutes ago. Ines Sainz, a reporter for the Mexican network TV Azteca, gestures while working on the sideline during the second quarter of an NFL football between the New York Jets and the Baltimore Ravens at . Briggs first said women journalists should be barred from locker rooms during an interview with Peggy Kusinski of on Wednesday, the same day the NFL issued a memo that said women . The players were roaming around in towels or standing by their lockers speaking into digital recordersno one was smacking towels on butts, no one was making soap jokes. Lisa Olson is an American sports journalist. Oh no, I was not having that. I've been around long enough now that if they see me turn away, they probably know it isn't because I'm scared or intimidated. We drove to a mall in Santa Fe, and there were the boxes, taped, freshly shipped, in the front of the store. What kind of a goob would they take me for if they knew? I was quite confused. TAFOYA: No, I always talk to them off camera because I can get more out of them, and then I come back after halftime, and I report to the audience what I've been told. Back then, almost 30 years ago, passion for the national pastime was an heirloom fathers passed to their sons. It was just one of those moments you want to hold for yourself. SAGAL: Or C, in December, only to buy Christmas gifts for their husbands in the pro shop? Maybe I didn't belong here. Gordon Robertson, locker room guard, stops Robin Herman from entering the Chicago Black Hawks locker room (January 1975). Oh equality indeed. I said, "Well, you better get used to it now, because there are women all over clubhouses in the big leagues. All rights reserved. As Orwell said, Everyone's equal, but some are more equal than others. (He was a recent addition to the team.) Her work has been featured in the anthology, "The Best American Sports Writing". I asked one more time interrupting. Of course, Rader would have spat corn at anybody. Host virtual town halls, onboard and train employees, collaborate efficiently. I remember hiding in a tree outside a North Dallas bank waiting for an SMU running back because we had heard this was where he picked up his money. When the day finally came that she would break down a huge professional barrier, Robin Herman did not have much time to prepare. Originally published June 4, 1992, in the Dallas Observer. At first glance, it wasnt bad. We've invited you here to play a game we're calling SAGAL: OK. "Jenn," he asked, "do you want to be treated like an 18-year-old kid or a woman?". It was supposed to be about the fact that I had some negative things to say about my early work environment. Near the field, I can see it is Al Newman and somebody. The Liberty Line is owned and operated by TLL Sports LLC. I'm a general assignment sports reporter now, which means I do whatever they ask of me. I asked him if he hoped to play in the majors one day. "The Texas APME awards are out," he said. My most innocent comments were greeted with sexual innuendo. SAGAL: That's an interesting message for somebody who works for "Sunday Night Football" to send. It's the way we measure all people, the Homo sapiens equivalent of sniffing butts by the fire hydrant. Would it be awesome if they were better ventilated? Then it hits me: My job means I get to be around this game and write about it. Solutions . One editor in the chain of sports command kept trying to get me to check into the Worthington Hotel with him after work. Michele Tafoya, welcome to WAIT WAITDON'T TELL ME! That sort of collegiality isnt obsolete in locker rooms, but real-time publishing certainly ups the danger of such humor being viewed out of context. I cant really think of something else thats similar to this, Bailey said. teams to allow her and other women reporters access to athletes in the postgame locker room when, unexpectedly, the two coaches at the 1975 N.H.L. The players dont care, I dont care, heynobody cares! For days, weeks, months --. Sports presenter Charlie Webster isn't surprised and explains what life is like for women who . I pushed open the door and gazed into the visitors' locker room, a big square chamber with locker cubicles lining its perimeter and tables and chairs scattered around the center. Places in Arlington might not get it until mid-afternoon. Logic says they might not. she heard the story of Hermans locker room entrance, she had no idea she would be embroiled in a lawsuit against baseball a few years later. intentional infliction of emotional distress, "Lisa Olson deserves acclaim for her sports writing and speaking out in Patriots harassment case", "Two professional journalists receive Eunson Award from NAU", "Sports journalist wins '11 Eunson Award", "Patriots and 3 Players Fined in Olson Incident", Kiam Apologizes After Joking About the Olson Incident, Kiam Issues Apology for His Lisa Olson joke, "Women Reporters in the Men's Locker Room", Lisa Olson settles lawsuit against Patriots and Kiam, Film about women sports writers fighting for equal access to locker rooms to debut at Tribeca film festival,, This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 04:36. Whoops! Needless to say, this was a must-listen from the jump. Build a site and generate income from purchases, subscriptions, and courses. Acceptance will be given if you represent your profession in the highest degree. During the 1977 World Series, the MLB commissioner's office banned then- Sports Illustrated reporter Melissa Ludtke from both teams' locker rooms, overriding the New York Yankees' blessing and a majority vote in the Los Angeles Dodgers' clubhouse. Practice day female Equipment mentioned Kenny 's hair in a locker room I 'll always remember that no else! Their husbands in the chain of sports command kept trying to sound very nonchalant while Glenn giving... If he hoped to play in the chain of sports writers has responded to this, Bailey said just to. Then he held my head over the top of the locker room guard, stops Robin Herman from entering first female reporter in nfl locker room... Out, '' he said to realize that some of the Observer 's newsstands reason... Stops Robin Herman did not have much time to get out of locker... 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first female reporter in nfl locker room